
The Enneagram of Personality as a Strategic Tool

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, understanding the multifaceted nature of human personality is not just beneficial; it’s essential. The Enneagram of Personality, a model outlining nine interconnected personality types, emerges as a profound tool in this quest, offering insights that can transform a company’s very fabric. In this article, we discuss how the Enneagram can be wielded to sculpt a more cohesive, efficient, and adaptive corporate environment. At Gislen Software, we believe in empowering our employees; this is one way we think we can improve even!

The Enneagram: A Brief Overview

The Enneagram is a geometric figure that maps out nine personality types with distinct motivations, fears, and worldviews. These types range from the perfectionist Type 1 to the peacemaker Type 9, covering a broad spectrum of human psychology. What makes the Enneagram particularly powerful is its dynamism; it accounts for the fluidity of personalities, acknowledging that individuals can exhibit traits of adjacent types (wings) and transform under stress or growth.

Fostering Self-Awareness and Empathy

The first step in harnessing the Enneagram in a business context is fostering a culture of self-awareness and empathy. When team members understand their Enneagram types, they gain insights into their intrinsic motivations and behavioural patterns. This self-knowledge is pivotal, enabling individuals to leverage their strengths and address their weaknesses.

Moreover, by understanding the diverse personality types within their teams, employees can cultivate empathy and appreciate their colleagues’ unique perspectives and contributions. This mutual understanding is the bedrock of a collaborative and harmonious workplace where diversity is acknowledged and celebrated.

Enhancing Team Dynamics

The Enneagram’s real power shines in its application to team dynamics. By mapping out the Enneagram types of all team members, leaders can identify the group’s collective strengths and potential blind spots. For instance, a team heavy on Type 3 (The Achiever) might excel in goal-setting and efficiency but could benefit from the emotional depth and empathy of Type 2 (The Helper).

Leaders can use this knowledge to assemble balanced teams, ensuring a mix of types that complement each other. This strategic composition maximises productivity and innovation as diverse viewpoints and skills converge towards common goals.

Tailoring Leadership and Communication

Leadership is not one-size-fits-all, and the Enneagram provides a nuanced framework for customising management approaches. Understanding an employee’s Enneagram type can guide leaders in delivering feedback, setting expectations, and motivating their team. For example, a Type 8 (The Challenger) might respond well to direct communication and autonomy, whereas a Type 4 (The Individualist) might appreciate a more empathetic and personalised approach.

This tailored communication fosters a positive work environment where employees feel understood and valued, leading to increased engagement and job satisfaction.

Navigating Conflict and Change

Conflict and change are inevitable in any business, but the Enneagram offers a roadmap for gracefully navigating these challenges. By understanding the stress and growth points of different Enneagram types, leaders can anticipate how employees might react to various situations and strategise accordingly.

For instance, in times of change, a Type 6 (The Loyalist) might seek security and reassurance, while a Type 7 (The Enthusiast) might see it as an opportunity for exploration. Recognising these tendencies allows for more effective conflict resolution and change management, ensuring smooth and constructive transitions.


While the Enneagram of Personality offers intriguing insights into human behaviour and team dynamics, it’s essential to approach any such model with a critical eye. Like many personality frameworks, including Four Temperaments system of Galen, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the DISC test, the Enneagram lacks robust empirical support from the scientific community. Critics argue that these models, the Enneagram included, oversimplify the complexities of human psychology and can lead to pigeonholing individuals into static categories. Despite its popularity in various circles, from corporate workshops to personal development, the Enneagram’s validity and reliability as a psychological tool remain contentious.

This underscores the necessity of using such theories cautiously, ensuring they complement rather than dictate our understanding of human personality and interpersonal dynamics. The only personality model that seems to have a solid scientific base is the Big Five personality traits. However, that does not mean that the other models are not helpful. They help us understand that people are different and that we should not try to make everyone the same.


Incorporating the Enneagram of Personality into the corporate toolkit is more than an exercise in team building; it’s a commitment to holistic business growth. By fostering an environment of self-awareness, empathy, and tailored communication, companies can unlock the full potential of their workforce. It does not just illuminate the path to better understanding oneself and others; it paves the way for a corporate culture where diversity, innovation, and resilience thrive. The Enneagram is a beacon in the ever-evolving business world, guiding companies towards a more interconnected and dynamic future.

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