Migration to newer technologies

In an era where technology evolves unprecedentedly, staying ahead means embracing change. Transitioning from outdated technologies to cutting-edge solutions is not just an upgradeā€”it’s a strategic move towards efficiency, security, and competitive advantage. We have specialised competence in guiding businesses through migrating from legacy systems to modern, scalable architectures.

Legacy Application Migration: Many companies find themselves tethered to ageing applications that, while critical to their operations, hinder their growth and adaptability. We offer a comprehensive migration strategy that revitalizes these applications, transitioning them to modern platforms without disrupting your business processes. For instance, a legacy CRM system running on outdated infrastructure can be transformed into a cloud-based solution, offering enhanced flexibility, better integration capabilities, and improved user experience.

Framework and Library Upgrades: Technologies that, once powered innovation, can quickly become liabilities if not updated. A prime example is the migration from AngularJS to the latest version of Angular. Many companies are stuck with AngularJS, which is no longer supported. Other popular frameworks such as Angular, React, or Vue often help develop state-of-the-art user interfaces. Many applications developed some time ago also do not work well in a mobile environment, and we can upgrade them to work in a mobile environment. Applications can then be made responsive, meaning they will change the layout depending on which device they are used from. We understand that not everyone is even aware of what technology their systems are built with. We can assess that and recommend how to make your investments future-proof.

Reducing the cost of upgrading

The cost of upgrading is often high. However, Gislen Software has its development centre in India. Thanks to solid competence in migration, this can be a much less costly experience than doing it in Europe. This transition is a complete overhaul that improves performance, mobile support, and a more intuitive development environment. By upgrading, businesses can leverage the full potential of Angular’s robust ecosystem. This includes advanced features like dynamic loading, improved modularity, and enhanced security measures.

A Structured Migration Process

Our approach to migration is systematic and tailored to minimize risk and ensure a smooth transition. We thoroughly assess your existing systems to identify the best migration path. Planning is critical; we outline a detailed roadmap considering dependencies, potential challenges, and business continuity. We employ rigorous testing and quality assurance practices during the migration to maintain or enhance functionality and performance. Post-migration, we provide ongoing support and optimization services to ensure your new systems deliver continuous value.

By partnering with Gislen Software for your migration needs, you’re choosing a path of innovation and sustainability. Whether revitalising legacy applications or embracing the latest frameworks, our expertise ensures your technology infrastructure propels you forward, not holds you back. Embrace the future confidently with Gislen Software’s migration services.

Pre-Migration Analysis

  • Current System Evaluation: We start by thoroughly assessing your existing systems to understand their architecture, functionalities, and limitations.
  • Requirement Gathering: Collaborating closely with your team, we identify key business and technical requirements to ensure a successful migration.
  • Migration Strategy Development: Leveraging our extensive experience, we devise a customised migration plan that aligns with your business goals and minimises downtime.
  • Risk Assessment: We proactively identify potential challenges and risks, planning mitigation strategies to ensure a smooth transition.

Migration Execution

  • Technology Selection: Based on the analysis, we select the most suitable modern technologies and frameworks, such as upgrading from AngularJS to the latest Angular.
  • Data and Application Migration: We ensure a seamless transition of data and applications, employing proven methodologies to maintain integrity and functionality.
  • Continuous Testing: Throughout the migration process, we conduct rigorous testing to address issues promptly and ensure high performance.
  • Stakeholder Updates: Keeping stakeholders informed with regular updates, we maintain transparency and align expectations with progress.

Post-Migration Support

  • Quality Assurance: Post-migration, we conduct extensive QA to ensure that the new system meets our high-quality standards and your business requirements.
  • Training and Handover: We provide comprehensive training for your team to ensure they are fully equipped to manage and utilise the new system effectively.
  • Ongoing Maintenance and Support: Our commitment extends beyond migration, offering ongoing support and maintenance to adapt to future needs and technologies.
  • Performance Optimisation: We can regularly monitor your system to optimise performance, ensuring it delivers value and drives business growth.

Our expert team of Solution Architects and Software Engineers matches business requirements with technical feasibility. Based in Chennai, India, with branches across Europe, we are deeply committed to catering to our esteemed clients in the UK and Sweden. Our wealth of experience positions us as your ideal partner in navigating the complex digital transformation journey, particularly in migrating from legacy systems to advanced technological platforms.

Our comprehensive migration services are designed to address and streamline the transition process, ensuring minimal disruption and maximum efficiency:

  • Conducting thorough pre-migration assessments to provide a clear and strategic upgrade path;
  • Implementing best practices in project management to keep migrations on schedule and within budget;
  • Ensuring that new solutions are perfectly aligned with your business goals, enhancing operational coherence;
  • Seamlessly integrating cutting-edge systems with existing infrastructures, guaranteeing business continuity.

At Gislen Software, we believe in the power of partnership and collaboration. Our goal is to work alongside you, understanding your unique challenges and opportunities, to deliver tailored migration solutions that meet today’s needs and set the foundation for future growth and innovation. Join us in embracing the new digital era with confidence and strategic foresight.

We can offer a free health check-up of your application. We analyse your software and give you suggestion on what would be the best upgrade option for you and how it can benefit you!

Contact us to discuss how we can help you