Succeed with Software Migration

Why would you need to worry about software migration? In today’s fast-moving tech world, keeping up is key. Upgrading old technology to new solutions is more than an update—it’s a smart way to boost efficiency, security, and competitiveness. We help businesses move from outdated systems to modern ones. Over the years, we have built significant expertise in managing migration projects.

Legacy Application Migration: Many companies use old applications. They were developed in the past. They encapsulate key processes and are crucial for the business. However, as the organisation has grown, they have become outdated and may limit growth. Sometimes, it is possible to replace them with off-the-shelf products. But sometimes, these custom-made applications manage processes unique to the organisation.

We offer a complete plan to update these applications. We can move them to new platforms without interrupting business. For example, we can turn an old CRM system into a cloud-based one, giving more flexibility, better integration, and a better user experience.

Software as a service SaaS: Do you provide a SaaS solution to others that have become technically outdated? Where did they develop fast to meet critical needs? Are there technical debts? You may need to upgrade to newer technologies.

Framework and Library Upgrades: Old technologies can become problems if not updated. For example, many companies still use AngularJS. AngularJS reached its end of life a few years back and is no longer supported. Migrating to the latest version of Angular may work. Or it may work to change to other frameworks—E.g. React and Vue, which are also suitable for building modern user interfaces.

Many old applications don’t work well on mobile devices. We can update the software to work well in mobile browsers. If required, we can develop mobile-friendly apps so they adjust based on the device used. We know that not everyone understands the tech behind their systems. We can check and suggest how to make your technology future-proof.

What is Software Migration?

Software migration means moving a software system from one place to another. This includes transferring data, functions, and settings from the old system to the new one. There are different ways to do this:

Big Bang Approach: Move the entire system all at once.
Phased Approach: Move the system in stages, bit by bit.

There are various types of software migration:

  • Platform Migration: Moving a system from one operating system to another, like Windows to Linux.
  • Database Migration: Transferring data from one database to another. Examples of data migrations are from MySQL to PostgreSQL or MS SQL.
  • Technology Migration: Changing the system’s architecture, for example, from a single extensive application to a microservices architecture.
  • Version Migration: Upgrading the software’s frameworks and libraries to newer versions.
  • Cloud Migration: Moving the system’s resources, like servers and databases, from on-site infrastructure to a cloud provider like AWS or Azure.
  • Language Migration: Changing the software’s programming language might involve rewriting the code in a new language for better features or performance. This may be Microsoft Access to a modern Web environment like Dot Net or NodeJS.
  • Framework Migration: AngularJS to Angular 18, React, or Vue.

Each type can present its challenges.

What are the challenges?

The software migration process can be challenging for organisations. There are different challenges:

  • Data loss during software migration;
  • 45% of companies lose data due to incompatible formats or errors.
  • Employees may resist the new system, which can lower productivity.
  • Cost overruns are common, too; 75% of projects go over budget due to unexpected issues or extra customisation needs.
  • Migration can cause temporary system downtime, disrupt business, and lead to revenue loss. For example, employees might be unable to use email during the upgrade process, affecting communication.
  • Integration issues can arise when old systems don’t work well with new software, causing data problems and disruptions of business operations.

To overcome these challenges, a sound project plan is essential for a smooth transition.

Reducing the cost of upgrading

Upgrading can be costly. However, Gislen Software’s development centre in India offers a cost-effective solution. Our team has the relevant skills to make the process affordable. Development costs in India are generally lower than in Europe. This makes our services more economical. By choosing us, you benefit from reduced costs without compromising on quality. We deliver high-quality upgrades at a fraction of the price. This allows you to invest your savings in other areas of your business. Based on our experience with software migration projects, the process can boost performance, add mobile support, and offer a user-friendly environment. For example, when upgrading from AngularJS to Angular 18, businesses can use all of Angular 18’s new features. These include dynamic loading, better modularity, and improved security.

A Simple Software Migration Process

Our process is easy and safe. We examine your current systems to determine the best path forward. We help you decide if your old software needs to be updated, refactored or redeveloped. Planning is essential. We make a clear plan to handle any problems and keep your business running. We test everything during the software migration process to ensure it works well. After completing the process, we support you to ensure your new systems stay effective.

At Gislen Software, our migration process is designed to be straightforward and secure. We ensure minimal disruption to your business operations. We thoroughly examine your existing systems to determine the optimal path forward. This assessment helps us decide whether your current software can be updated or a completely new development is necessary.

Assessment and Planning: Our initial step involves comprehensively analysing your current software landscape. We evaluate your existing systems’ performance, capabilities, and limitations. In the evaluation, we identify the most effective migration strategy. Whether updating outdated software or creating a new solution from scratch, we provide a transparent, informed decision-making process.

Precise Planning: Planning is critical to our migration process. We develop a detailed migration plan. It addresses potential challenges and ensures a smooth transition. Our team anticipates potential issues. We also identify solutions to mitigate them. With proper groundwork, we ensure your business continues running smoothly throughout the software migration.

Rigorous Testing: During the migration process, we conduct thorough testing at every stage to ensure that everything functions as intended and that data integrity is maintained. This continuous testing helps us identify and resolve issues promptly, guaranteeing a seamless transition and optimal performance of your new or updated systems.

Post-Migration Support: After completing the migration, we don’t just leave you to figure things out independently. Our support team remains available to assist you, ensuring that your new systems operate efficiently and continue to meet your business needs. This ongoing support is crucial for maintaining the effectiveness of your technology investment.

By choosing Gislen Software, you select innovation and sustainability. Whether updating old systems or developing new ones, our skills ensure your technology helps you progress—Trust Gislen Software’s migration services to embrace the future confidently. Our partner, Epical Group in Sweden or other partners in the UK or the US, can help provide a blended service.

Pre-Migration Analysis

  • Current System Evaluation: We assess your existing systems thoroughly to understand their architecture, functionalities, and limitations.
  • Requirement Gathering: Collaborating closely with your team, we identify key business and technical requirements to ensure a successful migration.
  • Migration Strategy: Leveraging our extensive experience, based on a sound migration strategy, we devise a customised migration plan that aligns with your business goals and minimises downtime.
  • Risk Assessment: We proactively identify potential challenges and risks, planning mitigation strategies to ensure a smooth transition.

Migration Execution

  • Technology Selection: We select the most suitable modern technologies and frameworks based on the analysis, such as upgrading from AngularJS to the latest Angular.
  • Data and Application Migration: We ensure a seamless transition of data and applications, employing proven methodologies to ensure data integrity and functionality.
  • Continuous Testing: We conduct rigorous testing throughout the process to address issues promptly and ensure high performance.
  • Stakeholder Updates: Keeping stakeholders informed with regular updates, we maintain transparency and align expectations with progress.

Post-Migration Support

  • Quality Assurance: We conduct extensive QA post-migration to ensure the new system meets our high-quality standards and your business requirements.
  • Training and Handover: We provide comprehensive training for your team to ensure they are fully equipped to effectively manage and utilise the new system.
  • Ongoing Maintenance and Support: Our commitment extends beyond migration, offering continuing support and maintenance to adapt to future needs and technologies.
  • Performance Optimisation: We can regularly monitor your system to optimise performance, ensuring it delivers value and drives business growth.
Our expert team of Solution Architects and Software Engineers matches business requirements with technical feasibility. We are based in Chennai, India, with branches in Europe Europe. We are committed to serving our clients in the UK and Sweden.

Our extensive experience makes us the ideal partner for digital transformation. We specialise in software migration from legacy systems to advanced platforms.

Our services streamline the transition process. We ensure minimal disruption and maximum efficiency.

  • Conducting thorough pre-migration assessments to provide a clear and strategic upgrade path;
  • Implementing best practices in project management to keep migrations on schedule and within budget;
  • Ensuring that new software solutions are perfectly aligned with your business goals, enhancing operational coherence;
  • Seamlessly integrating cutting-edge systems with existing infrastructures, guaranteeing business continuity.

At Gislen Software, we believe in partnership and collaboration. We work alongside you to understand your unique challenges and opportunities. We deliver tailored solutions that meet today’s needs. We set the foundation for future growth and innovation. Join us in embracing the new digital era with confidence and strategic foresight.

We offer a free health check-up for your application. We analyse your software, suggest the best upgrade options, and show you how these upgrades can benefit you!

Contact us to discuss how we can help you