Cybersecurity in 2023

Navigating Cybersecurity: Trends, Threats, and Solutions

The landscape of Cybersecurity is ever-evolving, and we need to be alert not to be victims. Are you prepared? The following anecdote gives an idea about what kind of threats we may have to be prepared for:

Some time ago, a medium-sized manufacturing firm we’ll call Acme Widgets became an unfortunate statistic in the annals of cybercrime. Despite having a small IT department and basic cybersecurity measures in place, they fell victim to a ransomware attack that resulted in significant operational disruption.

A few years ago, on a seemingly ordinary Monday morning, the firm’s production ground to a halt as the staff were locked out of their systems. A ransom note on every computer screen demanded a hefty sum in Bitcoin to return their data. The firm was shocked, scrambling to understand what had happened.

Harmless email

As they later found out, the attack had originated from a seemingly harmless email received by an employee in their procurement department. The email appeared from a trusted supplier, detailing new pricing and asking for confirmation. Unfortunately, embedded in the document was a malicious script that initiated the ransomware attack when the email attachment was opened. In almost no time, everyone’s computer was affected.

As the hours turned into days, the inability to access critical systems brought production to a standstill, causing significant financial loss, reputational damage, and a breach of trust with their customers. Suppose they only had invested more in staff cybersecurity awareness training, advanced threat detection systems, and incident response capabilities. In that case, they might have prevented the attack or at least mitigated its impact.

Wake-up call

This incident served as a wake-up call for Acme Widgets. In the aftermath, they took a proactive approach, investing in next-generation cybersecurity measures, including AI-driven solutions. They understood that having a basic firewall and an antivirus system is not enough in an era of sophisticated cyber threats. They also initiated regular, comprehensive staff training to spot potential phishing attacks. The incident transformed Acme Widgets’ approach to cybersecurity, making them an example for other firms of their size.

Acme Widgets’ experience is a potent reminder of the real-world implications of the evolving cybersecurity landscape. As threats grow in sophistication, businesses of all sizes must stay vigilant, investing in advanced defences and fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness.

Evolving landscape

While the above case is anecdotal, a few companies known to me have been affected by severe cybersecurity breaches of different types. In those cases, the implications have been more contained than in the case of Acme Widgets. But nevertheless, severe wake-up calls.

As the digital world continues to evolve, the cybersecurity landscape shifts alongside it. Threats that were significant a few years ago may be less so now, replaced by new, more sophisticated hazards. At Gislen Software, we understand the importance of staying informed about the ever-changing dynamics of cybersecurity. It is our responsibility not only to keep our services secure but also to ensure that our clients are equipped with the proper knowledge to handle their cybersecurity concerns.

We’ve compiled a comprehensive overview of the current cybersecurity landscape from multiple reputable cybersecurity research reports, including those from TrendMicro, Akamai, ENISA, Sophos, WatchGuard, Cisco, and Kaspersky.

The Current State of Cybersecurity

We live in a time when businesses’ digital footprints are growing at an unprecedented pace. While this has unlocked countless opportunities, it has also opened the door to a wide range of cybersecurity threats. Cyberattacks have become a constant reality, with attackers leveraging sophisticated techniques to exploit businesses and individuals.

Cybercrime, a serious and growing issue, encompasses any illegal activity primarily conducted through computers or other technology. It’s broadly split into two categories:

  • Cyber-dependant crimes like malware attacks and hacking directly involve and target digital systems.
  • Cyber-enabled crimes, where technology broadens the scope of traditional crimes like fraud and theft.

In the past year, ransomware attacks have continued to dominate the cybersecurity landscape. These attacks, which involve encrypting a victim’s data and demanding a ransom to restore it, have affected all sectors but have devastatingly impacted healthcare, manufacturing, and governmental organisations. In addition, business email compromise (BEC) scams have evolved, becoming more targeted and effective in deceiving individuals into making financial transactions or revealing sensitive information.

Beyond these threats, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks remain a significant concern. As reported by Akamai, the volume and size of these attacks have increased. We’ve also seen a rise in mobile and IoT device threats as more devices connect to the internet.

While the emergence of 5G networks brings many benefits, it also presents new security challenges. A recent ENISA report highlighted that transitioning to 5G requires new strategies and defence measures to mitigate potential threats.

Web scraping, which I covered in a recent article, should also be considered.

Some Cybersecurity statistics

In 2021, cybercrime cost global economies approximately $787,671 per hour, totalling nearly $7 billion lost worldwide. The UK alone saw businesses lose around £736 million to cybercrime in 2021. The total losses, including consumers, could be as high as £2.5 billion. Around 236.1 million ransomware attacks occurred globally in the first half of 2022.

Significantly, cybercrime affects everyone, from individual internet users to small businesses and large corporations. The frequency of cybercrime is alarming, with a victim occurring every 37 seconds on average. In 2021, 1 in 5 internet users had their emails leaked online. These could lead to hackers gaining access to their accounts or targeting them in phishing attacks.

The most common cybercrime affecting ordinary IT users and small businesses include phishing, ransomware, and personal data breaches. Phishing is often an ‘entry’ attack, where cybercriminals collect sensitive information (like login details or credit card numbers) that they can use to launch further attacks. For example, phishing is the most common entry point for ransomware attacks. Such attacks can be devastating, as seen in the 2017 WannaCry ransomware attack that caused over $4 billion in damages worldwide.

Small businesses are also not immune to these threats. The hacking group Lapsu$ claimed responsibility for the 2022 attack on Nvidia, a significant microchip producer, stealing around 1TB of data, including employee information and source code for graphics card drivers. This highlights the potential risk to businesses’ proprietary information and the importance of strong cybersecurity measures. The prevalence and impact of cybercrime underscore the importance for all internet users and businesses, regardless of size, to prioritise cybersecurity, maintain awareness of potential threats, and take proactive measures to protect their digital assets.

The Response to Cyber Threats

Given this backdrop, businesses, including Gislen Software, are evolving and adapting security measures. There has been a shift towards a more proactive approach. Organisations are increasingly focusing on threat detection and response rather than just protection.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are crucial in detecting and preventing cyber threats. Organisations invest in next-generation antivirus software, EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) solutions, and other advanced threat detection technologies. At the same time, businesses are strengthening their incident response capabilities to limit the impact of potential cyberattacks.

Emphasis on staff training and awareness has also been increasing. Employees are often the first line of defence against cyberattacks! It is crucial to equip them with the proper knowledge and skills to prevent attacks.

Looking Ahead

As the cybersecurity landscape evolves, businesses must stay vigilant and adaptive. At Gislen Software, we see an informed client is a safe client. We are committed to helping our clients understand the risks and ensure their digital safety.

Our approach to cybersecurity is not just reactive but also proactive. We constantly monitor for new threats and keep our defence measures updated. We invest in the latest technologies to keep our client’s data secure, and we conduct regular training for our team to ensure they are equipped to handle evolving threats. Some tips may be found in my recent password-security article, inspired by famous hacker David Jacoby.

The challenges may seem daunting as we look forward, but remember that preparedness is half the battle won. We are dedicated to standing by our clients, providing them with safe applications and building the confidence they need to thrive in the digital world.

The digital age is full of opportunities, and with the proper knowledge and approach, we can all navigate its challenges. Let’s continue to learn, adapt, and grow together. The future is digital, and at Gislen Software, we’re here to help you make the most of it safely.

Generative AI’s Impact on Cybersecurity

Generative AI and other AI solutions could significantly impact the cyber security landscape in several positive and potentially harmful ways. Here’s how:


  1. Automated Threat Detection: Advanced AI models can be trained to recognise patterns in network traffic or user behaviour that might indicate a security threat. They could generate alerts or even take automated actions in response to these threats.
  2. Phishing Prevention: Generative AI models can be trained to recognise phishing emails or other social engineering attacks. By analysing the structure and content of incoming messages, AI systems could filter out suspicious messages and thus protect users from threats.
  3. Improved Penetration Testing: Generative AI could help simulate a wide variety of cyber attacks to test the resilience of a network or system. These simulations can be more varied and sophisticated than what a human tester might be able to accomplish, thus providing a more rigorous assessment of security vulnerabilities.
  4. Automated Patching: Generative AI systems could be designed to generate patches or fixes for known security vulnerabilities automatically. By automating this process, organisations could more quickly and efficiently protect their systems from potential attacks.
  5. Security Education and Training: Generative AI can be used to develop realistic training scenarios for cybersecurity professionals. By simulating potential attacks or security situations, these tools can provide a hands-on training experience that prepares professionals for real-world threats.


On the potentially harmful side:

  1. AI-Powered Cyber Attacks: Just as AI can defend against cyber threats, AI can also be used to create them. For example, somebody may use AI to automate the creation of malicious software, orchestrate sophisticated attacks on networks, or generate convincing phishing emails. This could result in an escalating “arms race” between cyber criminals and security professionals.
  2. Deep fakes: Generative AI techniques can create realistic but fake images, videos, and audio recordings. These “deep-fakes” can be used for nefarious purposes, such as impersonating a trusted individual to access secure systems.
  3. Privacy Concerns: The use of AI in cybersecurity involves collecting and analysing large amounts of data, which can raise privacy concerns. AI systems must be designed to respect individuals’ privacy rights and comply with applicable laws and regulations.

While generative AI has significant potential to enhance cyber security practices, it also carries risks that must be carefully managed. Cybersecurity professionals must stay up-to-date with the latest developments in AI technology to use these tools and defend against AI-powered threats effectively.


In conclusion, the dynamic nature of cybersecurity in 2023 demands our vigilant attention and constant adaptation. The trends show an increasing sophistication in cyber threats such as ransomware, business email compromise scams, DDoS attacks, and emerging security issues related to the 5G network. These threats’ sheer scale and diversity necessitate an aggressive and multi-pronged approach to cybersecurity.

Generative AI is poised to transform the cybersecurity landscape, providing potential solutions for threat detection, phishing prevention, penetration testing, automated patching, and security training. However, we must also acknowledge and prepare for cyber criminals’ malicious use of AI, which could lead to AI-powered cyber-attacks creating deep fakes and raising privacy concerns.

Despite these challenges, our focus at Gislen Software is to stay ahead of the curve, leveraging emerging technologies and training our team to handle evolving threats. We are committed to helping our clients navigate the complex landscape of cybersecurity, empowering them with the knowledge and tools to protect their digital assets and thrive in the digital world. Cybercrime might be an inevitable side-effect of the digital age, but we can mitigate its impact with robust security measures, continuous vigilance, and a proactive approach.

We remain dedicated to safeguarding your digital journey as we traverse the digital future. Together, we can confront cybersecurity threats, harness the power of AI, and seize the opportunities that the digital age presents. The future is here, and we can ensure it is secure with strategic planning and collaboration.

At Gislen Software, we want to help businesses build and maintain robust software solutions. Please get in touch with us here to learn more!

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