Streamlining Success: How DevOps Practices are Accelerating Software Development and Deployment

How DevOps Accelerates Development and Deployment

Patrick Debois was a system administrator in Belgium and was no stranger to the age-old battle between developers, who wanted to push new features and code, and system administrators, who prioritized stability and security. This conflict often resulted in delays, errors, and finger-pointing. Little did he know that this frustration would lead him on a journey that would change how software is developed and delivered forever. 

In 2008, he attended the Agile Conference in Toronto, where he hoped to find answers. Here, he stumbled upon a session called “Agile Infrastructure”, proposed by Andrew Shafer. Intrigued, Debois eagerly went to the session, and to his surprise, he was the only one who showed up. Not even Andrew Shafer had gone there since he had got awful feedback for suggesting the Session. Undeterred, Debois, later during the conference, managed to find Shafer in the corridor, and the two of them struck up a conversation that would lay the groundwork for a revolutionary concept! Read to the end, and you will get the end of the story!

Software development and frequent deployment are vital to corporate success in today’s fast-paced digital environment. To stay ahead of the competition, companies realise that they must innovate quickly, release new features and updates frequently, and quickly respond to customer needs. Therefore, companies implement DevOps approaches to expedite their software development and deployment processes to fulfil these expectations. This article will discuss how DevOps practices accelerate software development and deployment and their relevance to software outsourcing.

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a software development approach that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) into a single, integrated process. DevOps practices involve close collaboration between software developers, quality assurance professionals, and IT operations teams to ensure that software is developed and deployed quickly, reliably, and securely. The key components are;

  • Continuous Development.
  • Continuous Integration.
  • Continuous Testing.
  • Continuous Feedback

How are DevOps Practices Accelerating Software Development and Deployment?

DevOps practices offer several benefits to companies looking to streamline their software development and deployment processes. Here are some examples of how DevOps practices are accelerating software development and deployment:

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

DevOps practices enable companies to adopt a continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) approach to software development and deployment. With CI/CD, developers can integrate code changes into a shared repository, automatically build and test the code, and deploy it to production quickly and frequently. As a result, companies can reduce the need for manual testing and deployment processes, which can be time-consuming and error-prone.


DevOps practices also promote the automation of software development and deployment processes. Automation eliminates manual tasks, reduces the risk of errors, and speeds up the software development and deployment process. Using these practices helps companies automate tasks such as building, testing and deploying software, monitoring and logging.

Collaboration and Communication

DevOps practices encourage close collaboration and communication between software developers, quality assurance professionals, and IT operations teams. Collaboration and communication ensure everyone is on the same page and works towards the same goals. This approach eliminates silos and promotes a culture of shared responsibility, which is essential for the success of any software development practice.

DevOps and Software Outsourcing

Software outsourcing has become a mainstream strategy for companies looking to reduce costs and get access to talent. Software outsourcing companies, such as Gislen Software, provide a range of services, including software development, systems integration, testing, and maintenance, to clients in different countries.

Combining DevOps practices with software outsourcing can increase productivity and innovation, allowing organisations to tap into diverse skill sets and perspectives while ensuring a seamless and efficient software development process. DevOps can also successfully be used with distributed or blended teams. Here are some of the benefits of using these practices in software outsourcing:

Improved Communication

DevOps practices promote close collaboration and communication between the outsourcing company and the client. Cooperation and communication ensure everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals. This approach eliminates misunderstandings and promotes a culture of shared responsibility, which is essential for the success of software outsourcing.

Faster Delivery

DevOps practices enable faster delivery of software development and deployment projects. With CI/CD, developers can integrate code changes into a shared repository, automatically build and test the code, and deploy it to production quickly and frequently. This approach eliminates manual testing and deployment processes, which can be time-consuming and error-prone.

Reduced Costs

DevOps practices enable companies to reduce costs associated with software development and deployment. Automation eliminates manual tasks, reduces the risk of errors, and speeds up the software development and deployment process. This approach reduces the need for manual labour and frees up resources for other projects.


The conversation between Debois and Shafer at that fateful “bird of a feather” session ignited a spark that would grow into a wildfire, spreading across the software industry. In 2009 Duebois listened remotely to a seminar by John Allspaw, and Paul Hammond called “10 Deploys a Day: Dev and Ops Cooperation at Flickr”. In October of the same year, Debois organised a conference in Belgium named DevOpsDays. To create a memorable hashtag, Debois cut the Days and made it #DevOps; the rest is, as they say, history. 

Today, organizations worldwide have embraced these practices, reaping the benefits of collaboration, automation, and continuous improvement. The brainchild of two frustrated professionals has transformed the software landscape, ultimately creating a more efficient, harmonious, and innovative environment for everyone involved. DevOps practices are accelerating software development and deployment and are essential for companies looking to stay ahead of the competition. DevOps practices offer several benefits, including faster delivery, reduced costs, and improved communication and collaboration. These benefits are relevant to all software development, particularly for Software Development.

At Gislen Software, we have worked with various Agile methodologies and practices for many years. We know how to optimally design different agile processes and apply them for offshore software development. Contact us for a discussion!


I got the details about the origin of DevOps from the blog articles “The incredible True Story of How DevOps Got Its Name” and “The History of DevOps”. The image at the top is from 


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One thought on “How DevOps Accelerates Development and Deployment”


    Great article! This insightful piece beautifully highlights the indispensable role of DevOps in expediting software development and deployment, ushering us into a new era of streamlined efficiency and enhanced collaboration. Kudos to the author for shedding light on the profound impact DevOps has on accelerating innovation and empowering teams to deliver high-quality products at an unprecedented pace. Truly inspiring!

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