
Corona – Lockdown in India but we are working as usual!

We are living in extraordinary times with the COVID-19 virus affecting our lives in many ways. Many parts of the world are in lockdown, and the situation evolves daily. In this situation, we prioritise the health and safety of our staff while we do our best to serve our clients with the same standards as we always do! The Indian government has declared a national lockdown in India.

Lockdown in India

The national lockdown in India will start at midnight on 24/3 and last for 21 days. All international passenger flights are cancelled, state borders are closed, all passenger trains are cancelled and people are not allowed to leave their houses for anything but essential business such as buying food. A few essential services are exempted.

All our employees have laptops and are working from home. However, our redundant servers are supported with reserve power from our solar panels and lithium batteries. We also have multiple internet providers means that it is business as usual for us apart from working from all over the city and, in some cases, across Tamil Nadu.

As I write this, the number of active cases in India is around 933, with 39 in our state and 26 deaths (Source: India Covid-19 Tracker). India has a population of more than 1.3 billion people. Therefore, these figures are not high compared to Europe and America. However, the Indian government wants to ensure that the disease is managed early.

We are open for business. Please contact us if you need help with any IT development!

Stay safe!

Mikael Gislén
Managing Director

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