Category: Gislen Software

Posts about our company

In our recent annual customer satisfaction survey, 100% said they were very satisfied or satisfied, and 95% that they would recommend us!

In total, 21 respondents answered on our customer survey covering almost all our clients. We are grateful for the fantastic feedback!

25th anniversary celebration

Our 25th anniversary was celebrated on 25/9 in Chennai by visiting customers, employees, families and friends from other companies in MEPZ.

This blog post describe what happened during the celebration and who attended.

We proposed organising an annual marathon in MEPZ in 2014. Since 2015 we have sponsored all five incarnations of MEPZ Run!

This blog post includes photos from our participation over different years.

Today, Gislen Software celebrated 21 years in business. Gislen Software is not your average software company

Gislen Software received one award for Best Services Exporter and one for Best Overall Exporter by ECGC & D&B

Gislen Software was selected as an Award Winner in the SME Segment for excellence in the IT & IT Enabled Services sector.

‘‘It took almost a year to get there but Gislen Software was started in September 1994. On September 11, 2014 we celebrated 20 years in business. All our current employees with their families, along with some former employees were present. Our board members and some of our clients, important partners and Contacts from the city […]

Gislen Software and e-man have started a strategic partnership. e-man has since 2007 worked with outsourcing in close collaboration with developers in India and the Philippines. e-man has, in these projects, learned to understand the challenges and the opportunities of such close collaboration. During recent years there has been increasing demand from the market that […]