Becoming a Carbon-Neutral Company

In Brief

  • Becoming carbon-neutral or even carbon-negative is no longer just an ideal; it’s an attainable, economically viable goal that can lead to a healthier planet and be profitable!
  • What does it mean to be carbon neutral?
  • How do you reduce your carbon footprint?
  • Our company has even achieved carbon negativity. Our experience supports that this transition is possible and a wise investment for businesses.
  • Whether motivated by environmental responsibility, cost savings, or brand appeal, the path to carbon neutrality is more accessible and rewarding than ever.

Why become Carbon-Neutral?

Becoming Carbon-Neutral is more accessible, cost-effective, and beneficial than you think! We know! We have now been not only carbon-neutral but carbon-negative since 2018!

As a company, becoming carbon neutral isn’t just a choice – it’s a compelling journey towards corporate responsibility, a healthier planet, and a healthier bottom line. Businesses today increasingly realise that sustainability isn’t a sideline but a core part of their strategy. And with companies like Gislen Software not only achieving carbon neutrality but surpassing it to become carbon negative, the idea is no longer a pipe dream. It’s a viable, beneficial reality.

But let’s begin with the basics. What does it mean for a company to be carbon neutral or even carbon negative? In simple terms, carbon neutrality means your company’s activities result in net zero carbon emissions. You balance the amount of carbon you release with an equivalent offset, often through investing in environmental projects. Going one step further, carbon negativity means you offset more carbon than you produce, actively contributing to a decrease in atmospheric CO2 (In reality, other greenhouse gases are also included, but there are ways of recalculating them to the greenhouse impact of Carbon dioxide)

Now, let’s explore how you can take your company on this transformative journey and why it’s not just an act of altruism but a strategic investment.

Energy Efficiency

Start by considering where you use energy. There are many ways to reduce greenhouse gases and energy usage; Fly less, drive less, insulate better, reduce heating/air-conditioning, etc. At Gislen Software, we have changed to more energy-efficient equipment, insulation, led-lights, etc.

Our company Gislen Software is based in Chennai in South India, and we capitalised on the abundant sunshine, installed solar panels and lithium batteries. This does not only help to reduce our emissions from using electricity from the grid, but it also means we can avoid having a diesel generator to manage power outages. Other companies could similarly exploit local resources. It’s not just about renewable energy; it’s also about using energy wisely. Energy-efficient equipment and LED lights significantly reduce power consumption.

The era of remote work has been expedited by the global pandemic, reducing commuting emissions drastically. Embrace online meetings and flexible work arrangements, reducing your carbon footprint and overhead costs.

Carbon Offsetting

While reducing the use of energy and increasing the use of renewables is a way to reduce some of the footprints. However, for many of us, it is impossible to reduce our impact to nothing. Economic development is also necessary to lift poor people out of poverty and build a better world in other areas than the environment perspective. Hence offsetting is also an essential part of any carbon-neutral strategy. This could mean investing in forestry projects, renewable energy initiatives, or, as in our case, offsetting our remaining CO2 emissions three times.

Being located in India, we use projects which benefit locally. We use the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) website to find a suitable project to offset. The site lists accredited initiatives to reduce, prevent, or eliminate greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere. Please note that all projects on this site are carried out in developing countries. Their offset is called Certified Emission Reductions (CERs), a carbon offset measured in tonnes of CO2 equivalent. CERs are available for purchase by anybody to offset emissions or support projects. The entire amount goes straight to the initiatives. UNFCCC is providing certificates listing your emission reduction. For personal carbon emissions, there is also a calculator on the site.

But is it not very costly to be carbon-neutral?

You might be thinking: all this sounds great, but isn’t it expensive? The truth is, the cost might be less than you’d expect. Many of these investments save money in the long run. For instance, the upfront cost of solar panels can often be recouped in energy bill savings within a few years. Meanwhile, remote work and digitalisation can significantly cut overhead costs. Reducing energy and solar panels has actually been a profitable investment for our company, and the expected lifespan of the solar panels is 25 years!

Carbon Neutrality may benefit your bottom line!

And then, there’s the added marketing value. With growing consciousness about climate change, customers and clients increasingly prefer environmentally responsible companies. They want to support businesses that align with their values. In fact, according to Nielsen, 66% of global consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable brands. That study was made in 2015. If you target millennials, the percentage of them willing to pay more for sustainable brands is higher than 80%. And this percentage has probably increased since then!

Moreover, employees, too, are increasingly looking to work for organisations that take their environmental responsibility seriously. This trend towards a more conscious workforce means that companies with a clear sustainability strategy will likely have an edge in attracting and retaining top talent.


To conclude, becoming a carbon-neutral company isn’t just a ‘nice to have’ — it’s a strategic imperative becoming increasingly crucial in our globalised, environmentally-conscious world. It’s not only about cost savings but also about creating a compelling brand story, connecting with your customers and employees on a deeper level, and, ultimately, playing your part in preserving our precious planet. Gislen Software’s journey to carbon negativity is a testament to this – with commitment and strategic implementation, the journey towards carbon neutrality is achievable, valuable, and necessary. If you want to learn from our experience and start your journey to carbon neutrality and beyond, or if you want to contract an IT company that is carbon negative – then contact us today!

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