Author: Mikael Gislen

The story of how I built Gislen Software into a successful IT company!

From rural Sweden to Chennai in India. A journey of innovation, resilience, and quality-driven software development.

This is the story of how the oldest Swedish-Indian IT company was built!

Blended outsourcing

Blended outsourcing combines the expertise of in-house and external teams, offering a strategic approach to enhance efficiency and innovation.

This model fosters a synergistic partnership, crucial for companies looking to adapt quickly in a rapidly changing market landscape.

Safe outsourcing

Discover safe outsourcing; from benefits to risk management, and how Gislen Software can help you to achieve success through safe outsourcing.

Read and learn how, based on our long experience, to ensure that you maximize the payoff through safe outsourcing

Frontend Frameworks Angular vs React vs Vue vs Svelte

Discover the differences between React, Angular, Vue, and Svelte! Dive into the pros and cons of each framework.

This article makes an effort to distinguish between them and will help you choose the best frontend framework for your web project 2024!

Generative AI hype

There are frequent Generative AI announcements. But will Generative AI truly fulfil all its promises?

According to Gartner’s Technology Hype Cycle, expectations are inflated, and the bubble may burst within 2-5 years.

Microsoft Access migration made easy.

Transforming old Microsoft Access applications to modern web applications requires careful planning.

How do you preserve business logic, ensuring data integrity and improve user interface?

Update from AngularJS

Update your AngularJS application: Step-by-step guide for a secure and modern web experience.

Are you still using AngularJS for your web application? The framework has not been updated since 2021, which could mean security risks and it may not be supported by newer browser updates.

Will AI take all the jobs?

Discover that while there will certainly be a lot of disruption, AI will still probably not take all our jobs.

While there is good reason to be prepared since there will be a lot of changes, AI may create new opportunities by augmenting human expertise and addressing labour shortages.

Workplace disengagement is increasing. This article, highlights the importance of cultivating a supportive culture fostering individual initiative to reignite employee motivation and productivity.

Insights for both employers and employees!

This article discusses the evolving cybersecurity landscape for small to medium-sized businesses.

It highlights new threats like ransomware, phishing, and emerging solutions such as AI-driven security and quantum-resistant encryption.

India business climate

This article explores how India’s strategic position influences global dynamics and its relationships with BRICS, the West, and its neighbours.

Gain insights into India’s rising economic influence and shifting power dynamics.

A bold path to Innovation in the digital age

Explore how bold innovation is key to thriving in the digital era, highlighting the risks of playing it safe

This article gives some advises on how to not play it too safebased on a Harvard Business Review article.

Cultural Challenges in Software Outsourcing

Explore strategies to navigate Cultural Challenges in software outsourcing for enhanced global collaboration and competitive advantage.

Drawing from our 30 year history, this article outlines the Cultural Challenges to expect and how to overcome them.

Crafting a Winning Strategy

Strategy is about consciously designing and implementing well-considered plans that are different from those of competitors, with a particular focus on quality, niche markets and sustainability.

In this article, I share some thoughts and experiences on how to differentiate your business.

Will AI replicate human intelligence?

Nowadays we often hear that AI is likely to soon replicate human intelligence and experience. But is this a realistic claim?

In this article highlights differences between AI and humans in regards to empathy, creativity, and consciousness.


The Enneagram model helps manage corporate culture, improve team dynamics, and address business challenges.

This article highlights the importance of understanding diverse behaviours for organisational success.

Sun Tzus The Art of War

How can businesses gain strategic insights like understanding the market, innovation, building strategic alliances, and leadership?

This article suggests that one way could be to acquire ancient timeless wisdom from Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War”

Listen understand not to reply and building stronger relationships

How can we embrace empathy, vulnerability, and compassion in conversations and turn mere exchanges into lasting, meaningful connections?

This article is inspired by John DiJulius’ enlightening article, “Meet as a Stranger, Leave as a Friend”

Embracing the Future: How AI is Reshaping Business Decision-Making

This article explores AI’s transformative impact on business decision-making.

Highlighting advancements in AI technologies like deep learning, predictive analytics, and their strategic applications in enhancing efficiency, customer experiences, and risk management.

Desire line

Embracing Natural User Behaviour in Urban Planning, Software Development, and AI.

This article explores natural routes preferred by users, appear across different fields, from city planning to software design, highlighting the importance of aligning with the desire line.

Illustration depicting the transformative impact of Large Language Models (LLMs) in a business environment.

Discover how Large Language Models (LLMs) are impacting the workforce and business operations.

Looking at the profound impacts of AI on job roles, innovation, and efficiency, offering a glimpse of a business future shaped by more and more advanced technology

the Attention span is shortening when multitasking.

In the past 20 years, our attention span has dropped from 2.5 minutes to 47 seconds, mainly due to increased technology use.

This article examines the effects of this shift, debunks multitasking myths, and offers strategies to regain focus.

GPT-4 Turbo

GPT-4 Turbo: a transformative AI tool enhancing creative sectors with updated knowledge, advanced features, and legal support.

Almost one year since the original release of ChatGPT, OpenAI releases a significant improved version. Welcome to ChatGPT-4 Turbo!

Work From Home or From the office

The pandemic transformed our professional lives, compelling a mass migration to home offices. The ease of logging on from our living rooms seemed to spell the end for traditional work environments.

Yet, as the tides of the pandemic recede, the office is calling us back, and the reasons are compelling.

Business Startups: Common Pitfalls and Successfactors

We have 30 years of experience helping Startups succeed!

Here are some common reasons for failures such as survivor bias and trying to emulate someone else’s success and some methods to succeed are Skin in the game, PoCs and MVPs.

Cloud Cost Management

Unlock the secrets of efficient cloud cost management for SMEs. Discover proven techniques to monitor usage, optimise storage, and streamline compute resources.

We want to help you take control of your cloud costs. Please contact us for a free consultation!

One of our employees is stepping in with proactive support at the recent conference in Vienna.

Gislen Software’s unique approach to onsite support at the EACTS Annual Conference in Vienna highlights the importance of proactiveness, adaptability, and teamwork.

We developed and support their EACTS Event Management Software.

Noble-Purpose Leadership

Dive into the transformative world of Noble-Purpose Leadership—a necessary evolution from traditional Servant Leadership.

Discover its core principles, benefits, and real-world applications for driving sustained organisational success and social impact.

Work-Life Harmony

Work-Life Balance doesn’t really work. Instead we need to look for a more holistic way of integrating work and life.

This article suggests to instead look for Work-life Harmony, where life and work are integrated and where you don’t see work as a means to an end but as an important part of your life!

India's moon landing

India’s successful soft-landing on the moon is a reminder of how humanity can reach far when we have a vision and execute it right!

Here is some reflections and learnings which we can apply in our normal day-to-day life here on earth as well!

Becoming carbon-neutral isn’t just a ‘nice to have’ It’s a strategic imperative and it is becoming increasingly important!

This article describes our journey and explains what you can do. It is easier, more cost-effective, and more beneficial than you think


Why do we waste so much time in inefficient meeting?

Here are some thoughts on having clear objectives, selective attendance, effective leadership, and follow-ups, aiming at transforming meetings from time-wasters to productive, collaborative platforms.

Pioneering and Strategic Paths

Explore the intricate weave of business strategy through the poetic lens of Robert Frost’s ‘The Road Not Taken’.

Discover how daring to tread the less traveled path can shape your company’s future and make all the difference in this insightful piece on how to make the right decisions.

AI chatbots

Discover the revolution of intelligent AI chatbots in customer support that understand your business and improve customer experience.

Thanks to the ChatGPT revolution it is now possible for any business to build an amazing chat support function.

Discover the potential of generative AI for small businesses and start-ups.

In this article we share some of our ideas on how to leverage this powerful technology to enhance operations, personalise services, and streamline processes.

Cybersecurity in 2023

Discover the current state of cybersecurity, the implications of AI, and the importance of a proactive approach in threat detection.

We cover the present landscape and explain the present situation, and we explore methods for more secure approaches in the digital age.

How to survive the Generative AI revolution

Discover how to thrive in the evolving workplace with Generative AI.

This article describes how you can use Generative AI, what soft skills you need to develop, and how Generative AI can increase productivity, creativity, and career success.

Jobs at risk for disruption because of Generative AI

In the past, there has been many predictions on which jobs are most likely to be replaced by or changed by artificial intelligence.

However, with the introduction of ChatGPT those assumptions are likely to change significantly. This article gives some ideas on what we could expect.

Web Scraping Threats

Discover the threat of web scraping and learn how to safeguard your business.

This article gives an understanding of scraping attacks and some strategies to combat them, including CAPTCHA, rate limiting, and Web Application Firewalls

Agile Methodologies

Navigating the complexities of agile projects when working with software contractors can be challenging.

In this article, we explore the main hurdles companies face, from aligning with company culture to managing contractual issues.

Open Innovation

Open innovation is a key to growth and a in getting more value in outsourcing. When parties join forces with distinct and complementary strengths, remarkable results can be achieved.

This article also shows how mitigation of cultural challenges can yield even more value!

Cyber security

Explore cybersecurity and gain practical insights on what to think of in order to build a successful partnership with a software development firm.

This article gives practical advice on what to consider and how to decide on an outsourcing partner

Debunking the 10% AI threat claim

Is it true that “Half of AI researchers believe there’s a 10% chance AI will kill us all.” Well, the claim is based on a survey with only 162 respondents, and the survey question itself is vague.

So, while we don’t say that AI is harmless, don’t lose any sleep, at least not yet!

agile metrics

Explore the power of metrics in agile development as a tool for continuous improvement and optimisation.

Using the right metrics, make them visible, and use them collaboratively to enhance team performance while steering clear of potential pitfalls.

Agile teams

Discover how to effectively collaborate with outsourced agile development teams and overcome common challenges in this article.

Discover how communication, culture, quality control, and trust contribute to successful projects and foster business growth.

Technical debt is like a Gordian knot

Technical debt is inevitable in software development, resulting from prioritising short-term gains over long-term sustainability.

This article discusses the term and how to effectively untangle the Gordian knot to avoid and reduce technical debts effectively.

Advanced Prompting with ChatGPT

While ChatGPT is a powerful tool in itself. It may not consistently deliver the expected value.

In this article, we will explore eight different advanced prompt engineering techniques with detailed examples that will help you improve the results of using ChatGPT.

Generative Artificial Intelligence

Generative AI raises concerns, prominent figures such as Elon Musk call for a pause in development.

However, recognising the economy’s ability to adapt and grow is crucial. Focusing on economic growth while addressing risks and sensible policies can lead to a promising future for us all.

Manifesto for Agile Software Development. We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan. That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more. Kent Beck James Grenning Robert C. Martin Mike Beedle Jim Highsmith Steve Mellor Arie van Bennekum Andrew Hunt Ken Schwaber Alistair Cockburn Ron Jeffries Jeff Sutherland Ward Cunningham Jon Kern Dave Thomas Martin Fowler Brian Marick. © 2001, the above authors this declaration may be freely copied in any form, but only in its entirety through this notice. 6.

The Agile Manifesto, born from dissatisfaction with traditional methodologies, revolutionised the software industry.

Its future depends on practitioners’ commitment to upholding the core values and adapting methodologies to evolving circumstances,

Expertise and Cultural Synergy

The general outlook may look bleak, but startups are still confident about the opportunities and are looking at outsourcing as a strategy.

In this article we share what we believe startups needs to consider in order to succeed with outsourcing of software development

Streamlining Success: How DevOps Practices are Accelerating Software Development and Deployment

At Gislen Software, we have worked with various Agile methodologies and practices for many years. We know how to use and apply them for offshore software development.

This article gives an overview of DevOps, and how to use it to succeed with software outsourcing.

GPT may be the Spinning Jenny Moment for office workers

Spinning Jenny was one of the most significant innovations of the industrial revolution, disrupting the lives of the working class. Generative AI may have a similar impact on office workers.

This article describes potential god and bad impacts of the last weeks announcements.

Data security and privacy are paramount. As a software outsourcing company, we understand the responsibility of handling sensitive information.

This article outlines our commitment to data security and privacy

OpenAI released GPT-4 on March 14. It is significantly enhanced compared to GPT-3.5 and can now even interpret images. It can work with eight times as much text as its predecessor, and its output quality is significantly improved.

Here is an article which gives some idea about what we can expect!

Software Outsourcing to India

Outsourcing being a novelty when Mikael Gislén went to India and started Gislen Software, became a trend in the late 1990s and has since become mainstream. India is still the prime destination for software outsourcing.

This article describes why and what speaks for outsourcing to India.


Green IT is a term which covers how IT can reduce its environmental impact. IT likely stands for more greenhouse gases than air travel and will likely increase its environmental footprint.

This article gives a background to how the IT sector affects the environment and it also suggests ways we all can reduce our environmental footprint.

Artificial Intelligence has been around for more than 50 years. But the use and impact of AI has only exploded in recent years. Improved hardware has increased performance dramatically.

This article gives an overview of the past and current development and some of the benefits and concerns of the expected development.

To improve your Password Security, you can use a picture to memorise a complex password made up of combined irrelated words.

I attended IT SMF Expo in Stockholm in 2022. In one of the seminars David Jacoby, a famous Swedish hacker, shared some tips on how to improve password security. I have tried to share what I learned but have done so with a few twists.

Why did I select a picture of a horse for an article on Password Security?

How to succeed during the Covid-19 pandemic

Covid-19 and the economic consequences are shaking the ground for almost every business. Here are some learnings from past economic recessions which may be applied to the present.

Winners are proactive and use the time to change and adapt and losers go into survival mode!


We are living in extraordinary times with the COVID-19 virus affecting our lives in many ways.

We prioritise the health and safety of our staff and we therefore work from home. However, we do our best to serve our clients with the same standards as usual!

Offsetting carbon footprint

We are carbon-neutral! We use a combination of solar panels, energy efficiency and offsetting the rest via credits such as trees, wind and hydropower!

We invested in solar panels in 2013. Since then we extended the plant, replaced light tubes with LED, and changed our old ACs to more efficient ACs.

25th anniversary celebration

Our 25th anniversary was celebrated on 25/9 in Chennai by visiting customers, employees, families and friends from other companies in MEPZ.

This blog post describe what happened during the celebration and who attended.

GDPR compliant

GDPR has far-reaching consequences. Do you have personal data about customers, suppliers or employees including emails, databases, documents or photos?

This article covers most of what you need to learn and helps you to get GDPR compliant.

Autonomous or self-driving cars have made major inroads over the last few years.

Nobody need a crystal ball to understand that there will soon be one in a garage near to you. Or perhaps it will not even need one. Autonomous cars already drives safer than humans.

This article explores Agile development’s advantages in producing faster, high-quality software at lower costs.

It also discusses the journey and challenges of adopting Agile methodologies.

Penetration test

This document gives an overview of Penetration tests, attack vectors and how we develop for and are helping our clients to harden Microsoft Dot Net applications ahead of penetration tests. The document is not comprehensive but is intended as an overview.

Agile Software Development: Principles Patterns and Practices

What are the Agile software development principles patterns and practices? This article will start you off and give some links to study further. The problem with early life cycle methodologies was that they led to overruns, defects and failed projects. Agile methodologies are iterative and there is learning along the way.


We have just invested in solar panels on our roof! Power failures and power cuts are unusual in Western countries. Unfortunately, we have had more than our fair share in the last few years due to the electricity shortage. Keeping computers running is relatively easy with UPS and batteries, but running the air conditioning is […]