Press and articles

Gislen Software mentioned Mumbai, 18/1/2020 India, is becoming a popular destination for foreigners to chase their startup dreams Read Article in Economic Times

Gislen Software 20th anniversary Chennai 18/9/2014 – Call of the kronor in Chennai.

Gislen to double headcount in India Chennai 12/9/2014 – Read the article in The Hindu

Gislen Software 15 year Chennai 17/9/2009 – We celebrated 15 years of successful software development! – Read the article Read the article 


Fastest growing SME company in the state of Tamil Nadu during 2011/12 from MEPZ.

For excellence within IT SME by D&B, Federal Bank and Times Group.  We received one out of 27 rewards given for different sectors.  We were the only company from Chennai.

We received two awards – for Best Services Exporter (Micro) and Best Overall Exporter (Micro).