Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

This website belongs to Gislen Software Pvt. Ltd.

Our postal address is:
Gislen Software Pvt. Ltd.
Unit 26-27, SDF 2
MEPZ, Tambaram,
Chennai 600 045, India

Phone: +91-44-22627541
PR Contact person: Mikael Gislén

Privacy Policy

We store personal data about website visitors using cookies and IP addresses. Some are from third-party providers such as Google, Facebook, HubSpot, Cloud Flare and HotJar. Data collected in this manner is not used for tracking personal information but to understand which visitors we have, how visitors behave on our site, and to improve the user experience. We never look into personal data for any other purpose than what is required, as per our documented policies, and to conduct our business and relationships with our contacts, which is allowed according to the GDPR. However, we also allow visitors to opt out of any such tracking.

We use contact forms to let visitors contact us or comment on blog posts. In these cases, we send personal data to our mail server in India. Any such requests are stored on our server and may be stored at HubSpot. You are always presented with a checkbox where you have to accept our privacy policy before sending data.

Our email servers are located in our office in India. We protect the data using state-of-the-art technologies. We only store emails and encrypted backup tapes on the servers.

For more details, please check our GDPR compliance page. On this web page, you can see which cookies we have set in your browser. You can request that we provide the personal data we have stored about you. You can also ask us to delete any cookie we have set on this website by clicking the button below (Please note that if you want us to delete any data which you have provided using any form on our websites, you must contact us for us to delete the data manually). If you want us to delete any emails sent or received, we will do that as long as this is legal and acceptable, given valid laws and/or the requirements of the business relationship we may have with you. Emails will generally be retained as long as required and a few years after we last contacted you. Since we have typically long-lasting relationships with our clients, e-mails are often retained longer than other data.

Copyright Notice

Unless specifically mentioned, all material, text, photos, and media found on this website are owned by Gislen Software Private Limited, with full Copyright © 1994-2024.